Rahavard Pardis Sepahan Company was established in 1998 with the effort of a number of young and experienced engineers.

The primary defined goal was to enter the crowd of private executive companies and moving toward concluding contracts as executive contractor and then, considering the scientific and experiential reserves of the members and work records in large national projects, concluding PC and EPC contracts and also procuring and selling electricity and instrumentation equipment have been taken into account at the company’s horizon.

Rahavard Pardis Sepahan Company, in its ascension path to reach the above-mentioned goals has cooperated with the accredited companies and organizations in the electricity distribution and transfer, petroleum and natural gas, steel, water, and renewable energies; and as the list of such contracts shows, we have been able to fulfill our primary goals. But some road has remained to becoming a large international company which relying on the knowledge and experiences of the managers and technical human resources, and experienced support, and updated hardware and software potentials, and the help of the Almighty we continue on the path to reach the summit of victory and success.

Contracts of Rahavard Pardis Sepahan Company